Uber Now Lets You Rate Your Driver Before Your Ride Is Over

Riding with Uber is getting more interesting.

Really, you don"t need a prophet to tell you how awesome your Uber driver is or how annoying and you can"t wait to get to your destination so you can rate the driver,  now Uber—the ride hailing company is giving users the chance to rate their drivers in the middle of a trip. 

The ride sharing company announced that Uber riders will now have the option to rate, compliment, tip, and share feedback with their drivers while they’re still in transit. This is a good news for users because now instead of forcing you to wait until your ride is over to rate a driver, the new changes on the ride hailing company app, will allow you while at the backseat and either tipping the driver halfway through a trip or informing Uber that the person needs to work on his or her driving skills or just rate the driver either with a five star or less. 

Uber plans to take feedback on from the comments and tips from the riders and use it to for what  "needs improvement" also use the ratings to further analyse its service and find hidden technical issues that need resolving in addition to identifying the good potential it"s drivers bring to the table.

The data will also be put to more use. Uber says it will be launching a new program next month that will celebrate drivers that provide great service, though there"s no word on what that recognition will entail. Additionally, Uber will use specific issues reported with lower ratings to improve its technology. If a rider reports a problem with their pickup, for example, it will be classified as a pickup location error and sent to the team that works on that feature.

Last month, Uber introduced a passenger safety features to its app, including the ability to alert trusted contacts about your ride. Early this month the company announced an air drone food delivery transport for its UberEats. And now this new feature is part of a broader push by Uber to improve the experience for both riders and drivers.

When you share good news with Uber about your driver, the company will use it for a new initiative it’s launching next month that will “recognise top-quality drivers and encourage continued outstanding service.” Poor reviews will of course be shared with the drivers, but Uber said it will also use the information to find ways to improve the technology that governs how its navigation and pickups work.

In the coming weeks, Uber has promises even more new products and policies on the way. Stay tuned!

- https://www.techbooky.com/uber-rating-before-ride-is-over/


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