Opportunities: The Google Travel And Conference Grants, Unilever Young Entrepreneurs Award and more

There are numerous opportunities revolving around the globe this week.

Here’s a list of opportunities and how to apply for them and let me add that the list has been narrowed down to a couple which are relevant to Africans entrepreneurs, innovators, students, etc. They include:


The Unilever Young Entrepreneurs Awards

The Unilever Young Entrepreneurs Awards can help you take your sustainability initiative, product or service to the next level. If you’ve got an initiative, product or service already in action that’s tackling a sustainability problem. This year, the Awards will recognise initiatives in eight key areas.

Since the launch of the Awards in 2013, Unilever has reached over 3,500 inspiring young sustainability entrepreneurs and their organisations, and provided tailored support and funding to 29 winners

There will be 8 winners, who will be provided with financial support for their business while the grand enterprise winner for the year will walk away with €50,000.

How to Apply

Application opens from May 10 and closes on July 29th. Meanwhile you can click here to pre-register.

The Global FinTech Hackcelerator 2018

A program powered by KPMG Digital Village, is looking for the most exciting and innovative start-ups from all over the world who can address problems faced by the financial industry.

This year’s programme will be focused on 80 problem statements in the followings four categories; Financial Inclusion, RegTech and SupTech, InsurTech and General.

How does it work?

Step 1 (Application):

Submit your application before 15 June 2018. Shortlisted applicants may be contacted for further information, demos and pre-selection pitching sessions, after which up to 20 teams will be selected by a panel of private and public sector industry leaders. Apply here.

Step 2 (12 Week Program):

The 20 successful start-ups will undergo a 12-week program led by KPMG Digital Village, to contextualise and enhance their prototype/solution, with mentoring and guidance from industry champions and real FS business sponsors.

Step 3 (Demo Day):
At the end of the 12 weeks, startups will demo their solution on the main stage of the FinTech Conference at the Singapore FinTech Festival on 12 November 2018. The top 3 startups will receive an additional cash prize of S$50,000 each.

Step 4 (Post-Hackcelerator):

Teams will work with industry champions to plan for actual adoption and integration of their solutions into a real client context.

The Google Travel and Conference Grants

This grants is now open for application. Is open to young students that wish to attend leading tech conferences across the world. The aim is to help remove the barrier that prevents underrepresented groups in computer science, and related fields, from attending leading conferences around the world.

Grants are available across various regions, from North America, Europe, India, Japan and South Korea, and then to Africa.

Eligibility Requirements:

To be eligible for a grant to attend an international conference, applicants must:
  • Be a student enrolled with a recognised university in Africa who is in need of conference travel funds.

  • Studying Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or a technical field related to the conference subject.

  • Have a paper accepted for presentation (oral or poster) in the main conference program at a top-tier Computer Science conferences.

  • Be the sole or joint first author of the accepted paper.


  • Free conference registration.

  • An award in the range of $1000 to $3000 that will cover conference registration, travel, accommodation and related expenses. Grant amount depends on cost for the international conference.

How to Apply:

Interested applicants should fill and submit this form by the deadline for the conference that they wish to attend. Only applications for conferences in 2018 only are currently being accepted. - https://www.techbooky.com/entrepreneur-opportunities-to-apply-for/


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