Infographic: It’s Time To Change How You Think About Mobile Marketing

It’s Time to Change How You Think About Mobile Marketing

Marketing has changed significantly over the past few decades. The internet and other advancing tech have really shaken this industry up. While before, your options were basically advertising in the media, sending out fliers, or cold calling clients, our options now are almost too numerous to count.

You could certainly use traditional media to advertise, but there are many other options to consider. Chatbots, apps, email marketing, social media marketing, etc., all have to be considered when coming up with a winning strategy.

It’s both good and bad—we have several methods at our disposal, but we tend to focus on the latest and greatest option and do away with “old-fashioned” ones. Mobile marketing is considered old fashioned by some. After all, how many people still use SMS campaigns now? 

However, what we need to realize is that there’s a lot more to mobile marketing than just sending out the odd SMS. You can, for example, use Bluetooth tech to send out marketing messages to people within your immediate vicinity.

You can learn more about the different techniques you might be able to employ from the infographic at the end of this post. Originally appearing on App Geeks, this IG will give you a complete rundown of mobile marketing and even provide case studies where it has been used to great effect.

Don’t Discount Mobile in Other Spheres Either

When creating your email marketing campaign, for example, how much thought do you give to how it will appear on a mobile device? If you’re like most people, probably not a lot. After all, what does an email campaign have to do with mobile marketing?

Actually, it’s a lot more than you might realize—with more than half the world’s population accessing the internet through their phones, optimizing your email to display well on mobile is going to be a key part of your campaign’s success.

Let’s Give Mobile Marketing Another Chance

So if you were one of those people who has since dropped their mobile marketing campaign because you thought it was outdated, maybe it’s time to rethink your stance. This form of advertising is versatile, relatively inexpensive, and a great way to reach your target audience.

After all, what is the one thing that most people are bound to carry with them everywhere they go? That’s right, their phones.



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