Limitations Of UX Design Of Mobile Apps

There is an old saying – “Help comes in every shape and size”. And in today’s date and time, mobile devices are not less than a guardian angel. And to be honest the mobile devices have evolved to such a level that it is literally available in different shape and sizes. Although these devices differ from each other in the matters of screen size, it also differs in the matter of features and performance.

But as per the application’s point of view, the application should be able to provide the user with the best experience even if the devices differ in the matters of features and size. This is only possible if the UX design of the application is flawless. There are several applications getting introduced to the sea of applications and the design of the application is the only factor that sets your application apart.

But many times applications tend to fail in the market because of the limitation of the UX design. According to Fortune, more than 75% of users open an app and never come back to that app again because of the UX design. Here is a list of limitations of UX design of mobile apps and ways to overcome them.

Undersized Buttons

The rookie developers make these mistakes often. In the haste to introduce several features at once, developers add multiple features in one page. So in order to add multiple features in a single page, developers add buttons that are not designed according to the standard size and proximity.  This mistake leads to inaccurate and accidental taps that in turn makes it hard for the user to access the features that are provided by you and hence frustrates the user.

The only way to overcome this limitation is to introduce a layered architecture. If you introduce the features in a categorized manner and enlarge the buttons the user will easily be able to access the features of your application.

Client-Side Storage

No matter what service you provide, if your application affects the user’s device, the user will instantly uninstall the application. This brings us to a common mistake many developers make, client-side storage. This doesn’t show any effect on the application until the device of the user is completely filled with application data. According to many studies, 77% of applications loosed their users in just 3 days after the app download and 95% of users within 90 days.

The solution to this problem is to use cloud storage. Cloud storage is reliable and it also has a robust security system so the data remains safe. You also don’t have to worry about data corruption and data destruction. Cloud storage takes care of the data in the best way possible.

Unpleasant Color Scheme

There are many apps in the app store that has an unusual color scheme that is dark and unpleasant for many users. The choice of color can also be a deciding factor in the success of your application. If you choose a dark color the application can leave a glare when used in dark.

If you see the successful applications and their color schemes, you will realize that the applications only use two to three shades of a light color and build the whole application. You can also try this technique and see the difference in the UI of your application.

Making Changes Are Really Hard

If you have a mobile application on the iOS platform then you might know that even to introduce a slight change in the application can take a long time. This happens if you don’t plan your application before the development phase.

The solution to this problem is to build a wireframe of the application so there are no last-minute changes in the application. This can help you to deal with any future issues related to functional management or design management.

There are many other limitations that developers deal with from time to time and they also find a way around that problem. Best example of like expert development team is Vrinsoft, who has the team of qualified developer who has been programming for app development in Melbourne over 10+ years and deal with such UX design constraints and also find solutions to such design flaws. If you follow the preventions given above you can also overcome these simple design mistakes and will be able to create a successful application.



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