6 Vital Reasons Why Live Chat Is Beneficial For Your Business Growth

6 Vital Reasons Why Live Chat Is Beneficial For Your Business Growth

  1. Generate more qualified leads:

 Live Chat software helps in connecting with users at the right time. With set contextual messages based on the pages the visitor visits you can establish an immediate connect. This helps in proactive lead generation depending on the conversation a user is having on the website. This sets the ball rolling for better customer engagement for businesses.


  1. Targeted Messages

 With a Live Chat software you can send targeted messages to visitors who abandon carts by capturing events like name and value of the item added to the cart and visitors who downloaded a case study by capturing events like name of the case study and the navigation path of the visitor. This helps businesses send proactive messages to the right visitor at the right time and help them in signing up for a trial.

  1. Better Conversations:

Live Chat software helps you replace forms with bots that are conversational. With a conversational bot you can automate your lead capture process, qualify responses, and auto-upload the leads in the CRM. This in turn reduces the time taken by your sales team to contact the respective leads.

  1. Improve Customer Satisfaction

Live Chat software becomes even more beneficial if you can configure your FAQ section right inside the chat widget. This helps businesses in greatly improving the first call resolution times. Customers will be able to find useful resolutions and businesses will be able to deflect tickets when the agent is offline. This in turn leads to better customer satisfaction.

  1. Intelligent Routing:

You can categorize conversations into topic based on channels. For example if you are an E-commerce firm you can categorize conversations based on  delivery, pricing, support etc and make respective teams handle conversations. This keeps conversations accessible and routed to the right team members rather than creating several, unmanageable threads.

  1. Integration with different products:

Choosing the right live chat software will help you integrate with different products. For example if your business uses Slack for team collaboration, you can direct incoming messages from users on your Live Chat software to a specific Slack channel. This can help small businesses that practically lives on an application like Slack. This is one example of an integration that can help businesses to better automate their process.

- https://www.techbooky.com/live-chat-for-business/


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