Google Maps Can Now Create Transit Routes That Take Wheelchair Accessibility Into Account

Google is rolling out  “wheelchair accessible” routing option to Google Maps. The route will make use of a public transit in the metropolitan areas, when selected the maps will show the availability of wheelchairs ramps and elevators on routes.

With this enabled, you"re shown routes that thousands of participants in Map"s Local Guides program as well as municipal transit agencies have marked as friendly for those with mobility issues. Google is working with other cities to add more places in the coming months.

Read more:  Google Maps Now Tells You When You Should Plan A Trip To Your Destination

 How it works

 To access the feature, users should type their destination into the Google Maps then tap “Directions” from there click the select icon for “Public Transportation “and then “Options” which under it is “routes section” then the “wheelchairs accessible” will appear .

Google has been working on updating its street view images of transit stations on the map so people can preview their location ahead of time.

The features is being rolled out in several cities that have major transit hubs which includes:  London, New York, Tokyo, Mexico City, Boston, and Sydney.

Read more: Google Maps Now Allows You Share Your Location With Friends In Real Time

