Following The Recent Data Breach, Apple and IBM Call For Stringent Data Regulations

Following the Facebook Inc. breach which saw over 50 million users" data inappropriately used by Cambridge Analytica, Apple Chief, Time Cook, and IBM Corp Chief have requested for an intense oversight on the external use of users" data, Reuters reported.

Tim Cook, Apple boss, emphasised on the use of a well-crafted regulation, in line with what IBM Corp Chief, Virginia Rometty said. He noted that social network owners should be transparent with their terms and conditions. In retrospect, users should be in control of their data or information.

During the three-day China Development Forum in Beijing, Tim Cook spoke on the necessity to review the regulations to prevent users from surprises in the future. He said: "It"s clear to me that something, some profound change in needed. I"m personally not a big fan of regulation because sometimes, regulations can have unexpected consequences to it; however, I think this certain situation is so dire and has become so large, that probably some well-crafted regulation is necessary".

The recent scandal has sparked an uproar over the irresponsibility of Facebook who claimed that it was not aware of the leaked data from its profile in 2014. The whistle blower alleged that the data of 50 million users were used in favour of Donald Trump during the 2016 election in the United States.

Users of the social network and lawmakers have called for other large tech firms like Twitter, Snapchat, Amazon and the others to be transparent with users on how their data is used. As you know, the app which was used to harvest the data was developed by a third-party developer who has access to users" data. While this factor is unarguably the greatest challenge since the invention of APIs, experts argue that owners of the tech companies should be liable to any form of data breach. If users cannot trust their information on their sites, they should not be in existence. IBM chief, Rometty said:

"If you"re going to use these technologies, you have to tell people you"re doing that, and they should never be surprised. We have to let people opt in and out, and be clear that ownership of the data does not belong to the creator."

China, where the forum took place is currently looking to tighten privacy of large tech firms after a consumer group filed a lawsuit against Baidu, China"s leading search engine for inappropriately harvesting users" data. 



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