A Downvote Button Is Coming To Facebook Soon

Facebook has confirmed that its testing a downvote feature however denies it"s chipping away at a dislike button which users have requested in the past. The "dislike" button was rumoured to be coming to Facebook back in September 2015. But just a month later, they introduced "reactions" instead in that when you click on the button, you"ll see emojis ranging from like to angry.

The test is running on some pages to flag misleading and misleading remarks. Whenever tapped, the button shrouds a comment and gives users an expanded reporting opportunity.

In a statement, Facebook said "We are exploring a feature for people to give us feedback about comments on public page posts," but it only became clear when Twitter user Christina Hudler started tweeting about what the feature looks like.

 [xyz-ihs snippet="Facebook-downvote"]

This is all part of Mark Zuckerberg’s plans to “fix” Facebook.  You’ll recall that Facebook just last month announced that it was tweaking its news feed algorithm further to promote interactions among friends while diminishing page feeds.

The downvote isn"t being tested in groups, with open figures or in comments from friends according to Facebook.

One thing is for sure at this point though, downvoting a comment won"t make it disappear, and it’ll only send a feedback to Facebook. What you can do is either hide or report the comment.

The test is running for 5% of English-speaking Android users in the U.S. and it’s not clear when the test will be completed and when it will be rolled out to all users. But as with tests sometimes, it may never even be reality depending on the feedback they get from the public.

Maybe a dislike button will eventually come to Facebook but I won’t bet on it because touts itself as a community for friends and may want to maintain some form of “civility”. Dislike on sites like YouTube don’t always reflect what the content creator intended for. This can fast escalate into divisions that may lead to increased cases of reporting.

[xyz-ihs snippet="FB-downvote-1"]

- https://www.techbooky.com/facebook-downvote-button/
