Instagram Will Reportedly Allow Users To Upload Hour-Long Videos

Social media platform, Instagram, is considering removing its video duration restrictions by allowing the users to post hour-long videos.

As it stands now, Facebook-owned Instagram could soon be modifying the existing time constraints on videos uploaded on its platform, allowing users to upload longer videos other than the usual time.  According to a new report from the Wall Street Journal, a future update could enable users to upload content as long as one hour.

According to people familiar with the matter, the feature, which could allow videos of up to an hour in length, will focus on vertical video, or video that is taller than it is wide, one of the people said. Until now, Instagram hasn’t allowed users to post any videos longer than one minute. In recent weeks, Instagram has had conversations with content creators and publishers about producing long-form video for the platform, the feature, if it launches, will do so within the Instagram app.

At present, Instagram has a video length limit of around 60 seconds for videos uploaded to the main feed, while Instagram Stories allow clips of about 15 seconds each. While the length arguably does suit the use-case of the platform and makes usage a bit more casual, opening up the platform to longer videos could prove beneficial to the platform in the long run.

Instagram has over 800 million users, of which about 300 million are active daily users of the Stories feature. Stories allows time-limited posts that expire after a day, giving users a magazine-like view into the lives of the people and accounts they follow. Long-form video could even fit into the Stories section, as Instagram looks to become a more feature-filled video sharing platform.

WSJ"s report on the new feature doesn"t actually sound far-fetched, considering Facebook"s decision to put a bigger focus on videos. If the company is talking to publishers, then we could see professionally produced content on the platform, maybe even shows you can only watch on the app.

The new addition would open new creative flexibility for users and bring Instagram closer in line with YouTube and its own parent company, Facebook. The plan is described as tentative, so Instagram could ultimately decide against radically extending the maximum running time of videos on its platform.



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