How To See Your Visitors Interacting With Your Site Using Heatmaps

Analytics are highly effective in revealing how many clicks your website is getting and how they got there. Although this information can be immensely useful in fine-tuning your SEM (Search Engine Marketing) efforts, you may still be missing out on a very significant piece of the puzzle. Once you are done with your marketing and have sent potential customers your website’s way, then is the time to know which parts of the site are producing dividends? A user could leave your site halfway through scrolling through your main page owing to a minute issue that could have easily been tweaked. It is in this context that heatmaps play such a crucial and critical part. Heatmaps are a fabulous way to collect deep insight on how visitors interact with each page on your site. With the help of the right tools, you can figure out which elements need to be tuned, moved to some other areas of your webpage or removed altogether. Here are some of the ways heatmaps can help you enhance your site -

Instant Feedback

There was a time when you would have to wait for months to know what outcomes your marketing efforts are producing. But with technology evolving, we nowadays can get instant feedback. If a new campaign is launched by your business, you don’t have to wait for a very long time at all to know its fate.

Heatmap provide real time results allowing you to see and comprehend how new changes are doing. With analytics data, you get to know only one side of the story for most analytics solutions never tell or show you what is happening while the user is on your site. Quantitative data is only but half the picture. Things like where are the users moving their mouse, where are they clicking, etc. are not covered by analytics. The qualitative data of viewing the user in real-time moving their mouse and scrolling around provides a far richer and clearer picture to work on.

Readership Data

With effective heatmap technology it can be seen exactly where a user’s mouse goes on a page including clicks and hovers. 

Visual Reporting

It can be quite complex and complicating at times to present business data to the marketing team. Very often analytics are presented as bar-charts and numbers, with marketing teams required to collect the information into an easy-to-understand format. However, while using heatmaps a visual representation of how your website is connecting with visitors can be obtained and shared that is quite easily understandable even to non-technical audiences. Many heatmap services provide a dashboard to enable you to extract information in a very easy way. This data reveal how visitors are interacting with your page with respect to time, from days to weeks to months which in turn becomes just invaluable while building and framing future marketing plans and endeavours.

Increase Conversions

One of the biggest, if not the biggest reasons for using heatmap software is for increasing conversions on your website. Businesses can often get restless and frustrated by seeing numerous visitors get to their sites but not converting into clients in eventuality. Now, there can be a manifold of reasons for this. It’s a possibility that a specific element on your page is sending potential customers rush for the back button without you even knowing about it.

It’s also possible that your decision to auto play a video with sound is scrambling customers away, particularly, if they’re visiting your site while working or in public. It may also happen that the most interesting and/or attractive element of your site is placed right at the bottom which many of the customers are not even bothering scrolling down to.

Heatmaps are a highly advanced form of analytics offering visual insight in real time how customers are interacting with your site. By leveraging out the most of these tools, you can improve your site making it more effective and resulting in enhanced success in achieving your goals.

The thing with heatmap is that they are capable of giving a clean, clear and comprehensive picture of how you should be tweaking your website, in case it is needed, so that visitors or potential customers can easily be transformed into eventual clients. Heatmaps are much more effective than just normal analytics in the sense that it provides businesses and site owner with great insight to look at things with utmost detail possible and all of these are done in real time which again adds so much more extra value to the concept.

Heatmaps are projected directly on your site’s pages. By discovering the hotspots, locating blocking points and viewing the popular sections will certainly enable you optimize the content of your pages and better your rate of conversion.

While going for website redesigning, content marketing and A/B testing the importance and significance of using heatmaps grow manifolds.

Heatmaps, thus can take you a long way, in fact, to the closest path to perfection in getting and having everything pertaining to your site in the perfect order and shape so that it can be used effectively to get good ROI (Return on Investment) in terms of potential customers turning into real ones. Thus, in this present world of today and the fierce competition that is going on there is no denying the fact that the use of heatmaps for your site and business is a must.



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