Gmail v8.6 Adds Unsubscribe Tips And Promotional Email Bundling

Gmail has been adopting a lot of features from Inbox lately, and in this update, it"s gaining one more. If you receive email from sites or services that almost never get read, Gmail can now offer helpful suggestions to unsubscribe from those mailing lists with the tap of a button.

Just days after the arrival of customisable swipe actions, and high priority-based notifications. Gmail for Android has now been updated with an Unsubscribe tips feature that will show occasional suggestions to help you unsubscribe from bulk email senders you rarely read.

The Unsubscribe tips feature, which is enabled by default, was originally announced back in April - alongside the major Gmail redesign that will be rolled out worldwide to everyone in July. It helps you get rid of unwanted newsletter emails by letting you easily unsubscribe from sites or services that rarely get read.

The feature shows tips on the homescreen of the app with an Unsubscribe button that enables unsubscription with a single tap. You can certainly skip the tips by tapping the No Thanks button. Moreover, the option to enable or disable the Unsubscribe tips sit under the Inbox Tips settings that is available under Settings > account settings. gmail unsubscribe tips feature Gmail

Promotional email bundling

Another feature from Inbox that will be available is group bundling of emails. However, bundling of emails is now only restricted to promotional emails in the main inbox. The feature automatically bundles a type of promotional emails into a click to expand format. These bundled emails will have short subject lines to indicate what"s inside them. In addition, a dedicated checkbox for enabling/disabling the bundle will be readily available to users.

Labels for a setting have been added with a description that matches what we already know from Inbox. Basically, multiple promotional emails in the main inbox will be grouped into a single entry and they"ll be decorated with logos or shortened subject lines to indicate what"s inside.

Like many other features of Inbox, bundles have become a staple that many people consider vital. It looks like Gmail might have taken a more moderate approach with this one; not just because it"s starting with only a single category, but also because it"s a dedicated checkbox for that category, hinting that each bundle type may be enabled or disabled independently. That could be really good for people that want more control over the email going into bundles versus those that should always be visible by themselves.



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