Investments In Education Sector: Private Companies Set The Trend

Do the colleges need to reform? The question sparked interest in the student and teacher community in the middle of the discussion about how implementing the state standards by the teachers improve the state of readiness for college. From the commercial angle, many education companies put forward methods to augment the learning process.

Education is a low paying investment option

Knowing the latest methods, in education practices, do not show immediate results. Among the growth study patterns conducted recently, Education companies in United States did not show much increase in revenue. Those who wanted to make money invested in the sales and marketing side rather than on the education side. So much so, even pioneers in the education field like Udemysaw teachers upload classes that they sold for $20 - $100.

There is a mind-set that favours more time for the teachers to collaborate. Given enough interaction opportunities, the teachers could get fresh ideas and share their thoughts on what must change and what should stay. Private companies giving education to the pre-K12 students grew the fastest according to the study conducted in 2014.


The pick of the education companies

The top two companies showed a three-year growth rate of 2683% and 2634% while the others in the top 5 had growth rates ranging between 304% and 499%. Of course, the education companies that made a significant difference used innovations such as crowdfunding, free access to publishing (for authors), and good library facilities. Here is a look at what the emerging Education companies in United States are doing to better education.

The TE21 Company (ranks in the top 15 education businesses) according to the Market Brief in EDWeek (40 Fast-Growing Private Education Companies Make 2014 Inc. 5000 List By Michele Molnar). It provides services to improve education and does intervention and assessment work. It showed a growth of 208% and the 2013 revenue was $7.5 million. The previous year it had a ranking of 2175. It has jumped more than 2150 places in one year.

 List of potential companies to invest in

There are many more companies that show a similar if not better growth. They are education service providers and they share a common factor - they show a rapid rise in the rankings. Here are some of them:

  • Private Prep

  • Stratus Prep

  • Appleton Learning

  • Niche

Investment in these companies is lucrative. The growth is definite and the industry has a solid base because education will always have takers.

Crowdfunding start-ups such as are helping schools and teachers to sort out the resources. From the $225 million this non-profit raised, teachers organized field trips and over 400,000 workshops. In the same spirit, LearnZillion is helping students and teachers improve their grasp on the subject by providing videos and material on the subject. This is the part of education that is growing without much investment, through sheer determination to succeed and intricate cooperation among the teaching faculty.

If teaching methods need any change it is forthcoming is the message we get from the academic sector. So, while many complain about the mix-up in the education system, there are those who produce and inspire others to produce their mite to improve education in the United States.



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