The Importance Of A Cloud Computing Strategy

Even if you aren’t technology savvy, you can’t fail to have heard about cloud computing. As more and more businesses migrate to the cloud, it is becoming an issue that no company or organisation can overlook.

When you’re running a small business, it can seem that there is so much to do that the last thing you need are additional priorities. After all, you’re already having to deal with everything from tax issues to contractor services for agencies. Do you really need to start worrying about cloud computing?

Unfortunately, the answer is yes it is, if you want your business to grow. That is, after all, the ultimate aim of every new business, whether you are a small manufacturer who started work in your garage or a revolutionary start-up like Uber or Airbnb. And as big business increasingly moves to the cloud, small businesses can’t afford to ignore the trend.


The benefits of cloud computing

Cloud computing software covers pretty much every area of business. The most common use of the software is for file sharing, but is also used for online accounting, backup and storage of important files, human resources functions, online customer relations, support, help desk and what is known as Virtual Desktop Infrastructure, while marketing departments are increasingly making use of Adobe Creative cloud technology.

The benefit of using these cloud computing apps is that you and your employees can log into them from wherever you or they are, and you can collaborate in real time. That can make your business much more agile and able to respond quickly to changing demands or new opportunities, as well as being better able to serve customers. Cloud software is provided on a Software As A Service (SaaS) basis, which is ideal for a small or growing business, as it can be paid for through the operational budget of the relevant department, rather than requiring a big investment.


Why you need a cloud computing strategy

With so many positives to cloud computing, it seems an easy decision to embrace the technology. So why do you need a strategy?

A strategy is essential in order to ensure control of the cloud software. The technology is easy for individual departments or users to sign up to, but if this is not co-ordinated it can lead to problems, such as the IT expert or department being out of the loop about what software is being used. There can also be inefficiencies if there is little coordination, including multiple purchases of the same apps or some users not following IT guidelines.

By designing a cloud computing strategy, you will be able to avoid potential issues around security, accessibility and performance, and you will be able to ensure that all three cloud stakeholder groups: management, developers and technology specialists are working together in a coordinated fashion and that all parts of your business are maximising the potential of cloud technology. By taking the time to devise a cloud computing strategy, you will potentially be giving yourself a competitive advantage and laying the foundation for future growth.



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