Here Is How Mobile Apps Can Help You Prepare For Your First Date

If you are actively looking for someone to share quality time with, then you should get your dating practices down. And nothing helps than making a smashing impression on the first date.

Meeting someone for the first time can often be a little awkward and even unexciting, if not planned properly. There can be various reasons like too much pressure on both parties, mismatched personalities or a boring setup - all of which can crush your ongoing pursuit of love.

You see, not many people know what to do on a first date. It is important to know where to go, what to say, how to act and most importantly, how to take things forward and set up a second date.

In an increasingly tech-driven world, it makes sense to use your smartphone to make you a first date expert and give you the charm of Don Juan so you can sweep her, him, or whomever right off their feet.

Simply download a few apps and push the right buttons to help turn your dreams into reality. From planning a romantic evening to hitching a ride home, these apps can help you make the most of your next first date. Who knows, it might even be your last first date for a long time!

1- Bouqs

Start your date on the right note by sending them flowers to build anticipation. Bouqs is a great app for iOS and Android devices and is easy to use. All their bouquets are farm fresh and cut-to-order, straight from the fields of the farm to the lucky person who is receiving them. It’s also perfect for those moments when you forget a super important occasion as they offer same-day delivery service too.

The best part is that this app offers flat-price shipping and even free shipping on a big order. But since convenience always comes with a cost, be prepared to shell out some extra bucks as they ship via FedEx.

So, send a bunch of sweet-smelling flowers earlier in the day and hit the right notes even before meeting the person face-to-face.

2- OpenTable

Got a date to impress? OpenTable can make it unbelievably easy for you to find the perfect place. This app is a long time favorite of many smartphone users as it can help you discover more than 43,000 restaurants all over the world.

It is an easy-to-use app that can help you find restaurants according to location and cuisine type. Take your pick by viewing photos and checking out the menu and reviews beforehand.

So, do some digging in about what your date likes to eat and take them to a place that serves the best version of it. Remember, delicious food is an instant ice-breaker, and this investment can last you a long time.

3- Lush Cocktails

You can’t expect a date to end without mixing it up with a cocktail after dinner. Whether it is knowing the difference between a Manhattan or an old-fashioned or if you need some recipes to create the perfect concoction at home, this is one of the best bartending apps for your iPhone.

Lush Cocktails is a clean and easy to use bartending app that contains more than a hundred cocktail recipes with images and video snippets to make sure you create a delectable drink. Find out which flavor your date prefers and browse through relevant options to shortlist the perfect one.

We’re sure that your date will be super impressed after witnessing your drink-mixing skills!

4- Uber

Uber is a popular ride-sharing app for Android and iOS device users. Simply enter your destination, and the app will connect you with a driver almost instantly. It’s an easy way to get around without the hassle of finding parking spots. Hint: Choose a swanky SUV to make a great first impression.

5- Safe Date

Keep in mind that a date does not always have to have a happy ending. Dating is fun but as a precaution, stick to your mom’s advice about the basics of dating- meet in a public place, let others know about your whereabouts and reach home before 2 am.

Also, thanks to technological advancement, there is an app to help you get away from a bad date or help you out in a seemingly unsafe situation.

Safe Date is an ultimate dating app that allows you to enjoy yourself freely while dating. You can go out and have fun knowing that Safe Mates have got your back. Simply add your date plans into the app and choose a bunch of Safe Mates to keep a tab on your location.

Set a Safe Time to check-in after your date finishes. If you don"t check-in, your Safe Mates will be sent a notification about the details of your date.

Bonus tips for a successful first date:

Now that you know which mobile apps to help you prepare for your first date, we hope that it will be a seamless transition from your smartphone’s screen to reality. Here are some bonus tips on how to have fun while maintaining a few boundaries:

Suggest a mutual meeting place

Gone are the days when a man was supposed to pick up the woman for a first date. In today’s world, it is actually quite uncommon.

One of the reasons to skip this step is because you’re essentially strangers before a handshake or an eye-to-eye conversation, so picking her (or him) up will be really awkward. That being said, try to pick a place that is easy for both of you to get to, such as a restaurant, a bar or a cafe.

Dress to impress

While it may sound a bit superficial to some, dressing to impress actually works wonders. Wear something comfortable that exudes style and confidence. A jacket from leather skin shop over a white tee and a pair of jeans works well.

Don"t talk about the past

At least for the first few days, avoid talking about anything related to the past. If you’re planning to be in a long-term relationship, you’ll get plenty of time to know more about each other’s lives. Focus on things that make you smile and keep the atmosphere light and happy!

Keep your guard a little up

As we discussed earlier, it is essential to trust your gut when it comes to a first date. No one should pry about your past or evade every invitation to meet. In fact, going way too ga-ga for you is a red flag in itself.


To wrap things up, here are a few interesting facts about first dates:


We hope that our recommendation of mobile apps will help you plan an exciting first date. Are there any other apps that you would like to add to the list? Let us know in the comments below:

About the Author:

Alma Causey is a Freelance writer by day and sports fan by night. She writes about tech education and health related issues. Live simply, give generously, watch football and a technology lover.



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