How To Track Time Spent On Your Smartphone

The whole idea behind the invention of mobile phone devices was to make human life easy with a compatible device that one can carry in his hands. While the initial mobile devices were still big ones today you can find slim devices that are equipped with all latest features. In addition to other features, the nifty apps on your device have offered bunch of amazing features in your smartphones. Here, you can perform almost any task virtually on your device using these smart apps. While there are a lot of benefits of having smartphone equipped with powerful apps still it is not free from its own issues. One such issue is smartphone & social media addiction that is grappling users like never before.

Track smartphone usage to save your valuable time: There are certain ways you can follow to track and limit phone usage effectively. It includes some basic steps like keeping tab on battery and data usage and some advanced steps like using apps that track phone usage. Let’s discuss ways to track time spent on your smartphone.

Keep tab on battery usage: To begin with, you can track time spent on phone by keeping tab on your battery usage. If you find your phone battery is draining fast then you must be spending lot of time on social media accounts and on your device.

Source: cheapsimfreephones

Keep tab on Internet data usage: Another signal that says you are spending lot of time on your smartphone device is internet data usage. Here, you might be using your device to play online games, using social media apps you have on your device, and doing other online activities. If you find your internet data plans is draining fast then it’s time to keep tab on your online activities. Here, you can also set daily data usage limit to curb smartphone usage effectively. To do this, you can use built-in feature on your device that also sends you regular alerts about over data usage.

Source: onlinecmag

Set Timer: This is most extreme situation when you have decided to limit phone usage anyhow. Here, you can set a timer for yourself to use your smartphone and particularly unnecessary apps on it. You can also set a timer when you will not get distracted with unnecessary pop-ups and notifications you keep on receiving. This simple trick will help you track time spent on phone and save some valuable time for yourself. Here, you can also set network free zone for your home and office where you can spend quality time doing real-life things. For example, you can keep dining zone network free at home or you can keep meeting area mobile phone free to have productive talks.

Source: tickcounter

Keep tab on your health issues: Before you use phone monitoring apps to track smartphone usage we suggest you to first keep tab on your health issues. If you find your health is deteriorating due to smartphone usage then you should instantly limit phone usage. Some visible signs of negative effects of smartphone usage is issue with eyes & ears, headache, back pain due to wrong posture etc. Here, you should be consulting your doctor immediately if you are facing such issues due to over uses of smartphone.

Source: thehealthcoach

Use phone monitoring apps: The next best solution to track smartphone usage is to use apps that track phone usage and provide you complete report to help you curb smartphone usage. One such app is Social Fever that is designed to provide you instant and effective results. Here, these phone monitoring apps work on smart algorithms to track time you have spent on your device and allow you to view and manage different apps that you use too much. It further offers a compiled report to help you manage your smartphone usage seamlessly. We suggest you these smart apps for instant and effective results.

Conclusion: There are numerous ways available to keep tab on your smartphone usage. Here, we have discussed some of these effective steps to help you curb your smartphone & social media apps usage. If you know more such steps, feel free to comment below.



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