10 Awesome Tips and Tricks Using In The Web Development

Angular.js is a development framework which is commonly known as angular. Google and its volunteers communities have the responsibility for maintaining the Angularjs Web Application Development framework. Recently, the trend of the Angularjs Development is at its peak. Various popular websites have implemented it which includes ABC, Sprint, Intel, Walgreens, NBC and various other 8,400 sites.

Angularjs was developed for a reason to enhance the imperative programming and the user interface. Declarative programming is something by which you can state the logic of the computational functions without even mentioning anything about the control flow. This is what benefits the User Interface followed by the imperative programming. Even it can be used to define the business logic by using it in its application as imperative programming allows influence to the control flow.

So here in this article, we would go through the tips and tricks that you can do while working in the angularjs development framework, followed by the mistakes that you can possibly do.

Angular.js applications tips and tricks

Angularjs development is easy to pursue and learn. It is like any other language that you can learn to do some amazing front-end development. It is easy to learn and implement. At the same time, angularjs has a codebase that is extensive. Even the experienced scripters are afraid of it. Still, you can get a lot out of the Angularjs by using it to its maximum potential. Here are the tricks to tell you, how to do it.

  • The proper organization of the code

This is not just for the angularjs development but for anything in which you write a code. You have to keep the things organized. Organize the code in a way that it doesn’t become a mess for you when the things growing up. Here is a snapshot of what you can do. To keep the things simple, you can keep the third party javascript in the “scripts” folder, app features in the features folder, keep the shared assets into the app/common folder and keep the own code in the app folder.

  • Install SlideWaffle extension

If you want to use the features of the Visual Studio in your angularjs development then you can go with the SlideWaffle extension. This extension let you customize and modify the services, factories, and your patterns used in the directives your own way. To download the extension you can go on the website http://sidewaffle.com and download the extension.

  • Utilization of the UI router

Angular’s routing mechanism provided with it is not powerful and cannot be used potentially for more than a basic site. If you are looking for anything more dominant then you should use the Angular UIrouter. Without wasting the time on Angular router switch to the Angular UIrouter, this is much more beneficial.

  • To manipulate the DOM uses the directives

You can manipulate the DOM by using the jQuery service. Well, people from the jQuery background can understand that they can use it for the manipulation of the DOM. Then, it is not a good idea but what you can do is use the angular.js directives to manipulate it.

  • Use Less

While programming with the angular, use the Less. Less is a CSS pre-processor that is can be used to extend the CSS. This allows adding a lot of features like functions, mixins, and many other features. What’s more in the box is that you can organize the bootstrap tables and make them responsive. Less can simplify a lot of things when used CSS.

  • Shared code angular service

There is a time when you have mastered the new language that you were learning. This time comes into every programmer’s life where he starts thinking about the things like he need not use the code of another person to get his job done, he can do everything by himself. It’s good to know that you have stretched your abilities enough that you can handle everything by yourself. Sometimes, it’s good to rely on someone else’s work that is already done before. If you have mastered you need not waste time doing that work all by yourself again. The case comes more crucial when the things come to the Angular controller. There are a lot of resources where you can go and enjoy the shared code freely which is also proper checked and tested for the working. This will save you a lot of time. 

  • When $HTTP calls to end or begin Broadcast

This is a great practice related to the documentation. You have to keep a track of your $HTTP calls and see when they are stopping and starting. That means you have to see when the calls stop to keep your sanity for a long run. This can be done by taking the necessary documentation steps. 

Author Bio

Kavya gajjar is a Marketing Manager at AIS Technolabs which is Web design and Development Company, helping global businesses to grow by Angularjs Web Development Services. I would love to share thoughts on Social Media Marketing Services and Game Design Development etc.

- https://www.techbooky.com/web-development-tricks/


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